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Viral RNA Extraction kit ( Spin Column ) Manual



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Packaging : 50 Tests/Box
* Spin Column methods ( uses guanidium lysis method to release the nucleic
acid of pathogen in sample. At the same time, the nucleic acid is adsorbed by
the silica gel membrane, purified by washing and obtained by elution )
*This kit is manually used to extract DNA and RNA within 40 minutes
*This kit can be used to quickly extract viral DNA and RNA from variety liquid
samples such as human feces, extract, swab etc
* Components : Component A (Lysis Buffer L, Washing Buffer A (WA), Washing
Buffer B (WB), Elution Buffer, Column, Collection Tube) , Component B ( RNA
Carrier, Proteinase K )
*Component A is stored at room temperature ( 15 – 25 C ), Component B is
stored in refrigerator -20 C
*This Kit Valid for 12 months.
*Sample : Fecal extract, Swab, etc

#NOTE 50 Test/Box PO 7 hari